ERPAdvantages for Management Functions

ERP Advantages for Management Functions

ERP management systems provide a technology platform in which organizations can integrate and coordinate their main internal business processes. They use this to fight against the problem of the organizational inefficiency brought on by the use of different systems in every department to store information.

Generally, large organizations manage many software systems at the same time depending on the activity to be performed. Most of these systems have the objective of storing and providing information about several processes that do not communicate between each other. Managers could spend a lot of time collecting the information necessary to make decisions for this reason, because if the information is not integrated, they will have to check it department by department and system by system.

This fragmentation of data into several separated systems can have a negative impact on the organization’s efficiency level and in commercial performance. ERP is the best alternative for solving this problem because it gets to coordinate every important system of the enterprise into a single database. It designs and automates many business processes with the sole objective of integrating the information of the whole company, avoiding complex and expensive bonds between internal systems.

Before and After

Before ERP, the information that was distributed in different databases was allowed to flow constantly through the whole staff, and it was always available. Separate business units such as sales, production, finance and logistics could be integrated in common business processes, allowing access for all the employees in every organizational level unless otherwise stated.

Nowadays enterprises must consider the use of an ERP as an obligation instead of an option in order to be competitive. With old systems the information that came from daily activities was difficult to handle. ERP can bring data from one area to another without any extra effort, and with almost no chance of mistakes. In addition to this, the information becomes available in real time, that is to say that by the time an order is entered, it can be prepared and invoiced all at the same time.

Frequent Mistakes with Administration Software

It is essential to understand that every organization has different administrative needs, and that the ERP must fit them in order to be helpful. This is why the ERP that can solve one organization’s problems could be useless for other enterprises. A current problem in many non profit organizations is that the administration is not efficient. Even though they are not looking for economic benefits, an ERP can help them to reduce costs and work.

The most frequent mistake made in small organizations is that every department has its own needs, and they ask technical department to provide software capable of matching them. Sometimes this is provided from the outside through vendors, and it might not even exist. If it does not exist the organization will probably ask employees to create it. This is why it is very difficult to have fluent communication between the different systems inside an organization, even if it might seem very small.

Administrative Functions of ERP

This module includes several applications for administration, treasury and financial activities. These applications allow you to work with more than one enterprise if you need it for obtaining consolidated data for different levels. The data can be made for different currencies as well. You will be able to generate reports and export them to Excel, PDF or text documents. The general accounting data can be distributed through a flexible accounts plan, which makes reporting and preparing information easier.

This module also gives you the opportunity of designing different quotes and defining the organization’s assets. It contemplates different criteria for depreciation, and it records data regarding purchases, sales, etc. It also includes applications for collections, payments and taxes.

You can find several key processes in ERP. One of them is the fully integrated funds management and controlling that supports convenient administration functions, as well as integrated functions for planning, monitoring and controlling resources, costs and personnel. It has core application functions with access to a common database.

Another one is the high performance payroll accounting function that determines the wages, salaries and pensions of workers. This solution also covers payroll lists and supplementary benefits such as seniority, sick pay, maternity benefits, vacation allowances and bonuses. Planning and management of personnel budgets is also easier thanks to ERP by linking discrete processes, i.e. planning of personnel budgets, funds approval and management and continuous budget control into integrated process chains. It provides visibility for managers into allocate funds and expenditures, notifying them of the need to take action.

Integrated personnel and career and succession planing application optimizes personnel planning by integrating employee qualifications and job requirement profiles. The solution follows a candidate through the recruitment process from job advertisement, application tracking and hiring, to employee career planning, succession planning and training event management.

The organizational management function provides easy- to- use planning and administration functions to efficiently map organizational structures, assign and describe tasks, create distribution plans and set up and modify fields of activity and positions. Predefined workflow processes optimize the efficiency of these functions.

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ERP and Administration Needs

Safely and securely, with proven integration ERP provides a full complement of tools designed to meet the organizations administration needs for the time being. It offers complete solutions for strategic advantage by streamlining all of your strategic activities , allowing you to simulate and analyze everything from organizational structures to compensation packages to find the most effective use of your talent and resources.

The solution also streamlines payroll activities, supports regulatory and labor requirements and creates effective management strategies for the entire organization.

ERP provides powerful analytic and new intelligence. Workplace performance scorecards and management by objective methods can help managers to keep the organization synchronized with strategic goals, employee expectations and competitive offers. Analytical applications such as cost simulation, forecasting and reporting support more effective decision making, and numerous reporting functions enable the compilation of statistics on employee groups and office-specific employees or requirements. Empowerment and job satisfaction functions provide managers with the information employees need to perform their jobs, leading to a greater employee empowerment and satisfaction.

Integrated internet and intranet functionality allows organizations to deliver the power of information, enabling employees to actively manage their work lives. Self- service functions allow the staff to track their own data such as vacations, time of work schedules or to execute simple tasks, reducing in this way the volume of routine administrative tasks. ERP is the integrated solution that can provide the power of strategic analysis, workforce empowerment and employee satisfaction.

ERP dramatically reduces the time it takes to carry out everyday tasks, and at the same time it gives your staff more time to add greater value to your business by making better-informed decisions. ERP might include an easy to learn and use client interface, compatible with Windows, together with the application’s functional backbone.

Integration with the desktop goes beyond the simple ability to upload or download information, and it can include such advanced features as integral fax and email support, customer facing stationery templates, image and relevant documentation attachment and management. ERP can provide easy to use solutions for any type of business. Customers from manufacturing to road haulage and charities all benefit from what an ERP solution has to offer.

The Personnel administration function is intended for personnel services of the enterprises of any organizational structure, including those with several divisions or branches, as well as those with a geographically extensive network of dealers or agents, irrespective of their forms of property or the number of employees. The database can store an unlimited volume of archives. The module makes it possible to carry out personnel records management and planning, to solve management tasks and to get any staff- related reports. All the information necessary for payroll accounting is transmitted automatically.

The Personnel Management Module makes it possible for you to detect and include or delete additional payments and bonuses both for each position of the manning table and for a group. In addition, personnel information can be stored as long as necessary, and the information for any division and for discharged employees is accessible.

As administration is not easy, ERP can help you by giving you the chance of using a large number of batch operations, service options and administration functions, correcting or checking records and informing you of mistakes or incorrect data.

You will be able to prepare various references and manifold reports to meet external and internal needs, such as personified records which can be generated in the format necessary to be delivered to other areas or offices. ERP allows you to plan, record and monitor all kinds of holidays, including the generation of a planned yearly holiday schedule in compliance with the legislation and labor contracts. And regarding legislation, it makes it possible to track employee provisional appointments too.

ERP is the ultimate tool that will help your enterprise grow and be extremely competitive in this world. Today you have the chance to be the best by just choosing the system that best suits your organizational needs.

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